Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Beat Postcard #7: Cadets Howl

Cadets at the Virginia Military Insitute read Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg.
Photo by Gordon Ball

Dear X,

I actually bought this card a while back in San Francisco. I came across it while daydreaming about the very thing this card says to me.



Look at them. The words shooting into them like darts or rifle rounds, opened up like virgins in the night wondering what and how?

Embraced. Understood.

Some get the love, while others chank forward like broken pieces of ornate machinery. Some buy megaphones.

Create your ammo wherever the materials are to be found at cost. Curve the serif of your rifling for accuracy. Hollowpoint your words for precision and impact.

Be the difference between a thug and a marksman.

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